Why Digital Transformation Fails: Top 9 Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Challenges of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation or adoption entails upgrading your existing enterprise to operate on and use digital technology efficiently and in a manner that aids both your employees and clients. However, it is not without its challenges. There are many difficulties to overcome if you are enforcing digital transformation in 2024, given the shift to hybrid and working from home practices seen in recent years. However, with the right resources and strategy, overcoming digital transformation challenges can be easier than you think.

Challenges of Digital Transformation [Infographic]

There are nine hindrances to digital transformation that most commonly plague organisations. The infographic below explains these digital transformation roadblocks in further detail.

Symptoms That You Are Struggling With Digital Transformation

While every company faces trials from time to time due to different reasons, digital transformation challenges can manifest in subtle yet obvious ways. It can be easy to diagnose if you know what you are looking for. The most common indications are: 

Increased Downtime

A poorly planned and executed digital transformation strategy can lead to unexpected glitches that will eat into your uptime as your tech team scurries to solve the problems. Greater downtime equates to greater losses in the long run. 

Rising Attrition

A significant challenge with any digital transformation project is the adoption of new technologies by people who have to use it day in and day out, driven by a poor digital adoption strategy. Lack of adequate initial training with little to no post go-live support only adds fuel to a resistant culture in your workforce and can lead to employees leaving the business.

Increasing Customer Complaints

If a part of your digital transformation affects your customers as well as your employees, a strong digital adoption strategy is the key to success. Poorly communicated changes in navigation or other elements can deter customers from your business and increase the number of complaints.

Loss of Control

If you’re unfamiliar with the new digital system, it’s natural to feel like you’re losing control and struggling to keep up. As you familiarize yourself with its workings, your team may also face challenges and turn to you for answers. 

Customer-Blind Decisions

If you’re unfamiliar with the new digital system, it’s natural to feel like you’re losing control and struggling to keep up. As you familiarize yourself with its workings, your team may also face challenges and turn to you for answers.

Excessive IT Spending

When too many hiccups arise in your digital transformation project, you will need to allocate more and more funds to smooth over these wrinkles. This can take away from your budget for the other departments of your company, thus depriving them of their genuine needs.

Loss of Confidence

Even if both your employees and clients were initially on board with your decision to digitally transform your operations, they may start to question that decision when they fail to see any viable results. This may manifest as increasing dissatisfaction and doubts in their minds about your leading capabilities. 

Assima can help you overcome any such challenge and make your digital transformation plans a success

Tips to Overcome Digital Transformation Challenges

Whether you are about to implement a digital transformation strategy or are struggling with an existing one, we advise you to go in prepared. Here are a few tips to make your journey easier. 

Take Advantage of Professional Expertise

There are people with specific knowledge in digital transformation and adoption who can help you make your digitisation journey more stable and viable. Building a team of experts in combination with your subject matter experts (SMEs) from the business will help shape a strategy that works for your business. The SMEs will provide the team with insights from the best ways of running the business to tailoring workflows, while the digital transformation experts will seamlessly integrate new technologies that align with your business.

Create a Solid but Adaptable Strategy

A robust transformation strategy that is aligned with your vision and mission as well as your clients’ and employees’ needs is a must for success. It must be well-researched and account for all contingencies but should not be set in stone. Typically, digital transformation projects can last between two and five years and therefore an agile and adaptable plan is requiredAny change in the requirements of the company and the evolving trends of the market need to be evaluated at every stage to ensure a successful project.

Train Your Employees

You cannot expect your employees to already have the skills to operate a digitised system, especially the senior members of your workforce. Ensure that you take the time and effort to invest in thorough training that will help them get accustomed to the new technology. Maintain a library of resources in different formats so that you can cater to the needs of all kinds of learners. 

Utilise a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)

One of the best ways to integrate digital technology into your existing workflow is to use a digital adoption platform (DAP). A good DAP will provide training support to employees before you go live with the new technology as well as support them in the live application without having to leave the system.

This strategy provides assistance during the whole life cycle of the transformation project:

  • Before
  • During
  • After
use a Digital Adoption Platform

With Assima’s powerful DAP solution, you can enjoy the fruits of digitisation to the fullest.

Monitor and Gather Feedback

Remember, no plan is ever foolproof. Unexpected issues can crop up at any time. The key to handling them with patience is to maintain a constant feedback loop and keep a constant eye on the analytics, especially, the financial parameters like expenses and ROI. Feedback must be obtained from anyone whose association with your brand is affected by the transformation. 

Be Vigilant about Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the top concerns for companies dabbling in digitisation. As you will find on the digital transformation statistics information in the infographic on this page, it is the leading challenge in digital adoption for enterprises. Adapt cybersecurity measures as you go on your digital adoption journey so that every element is accounted for. 


Digital transformation does not have to be a daunting task in 2024. With a little foresight and some much-needed assistance from Assima, you can get there with ease and confidence. Reach out to us with your queries and we will set you up in no time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s Answer Some of Your Questions.

No matter what organisation or department you work in, a good DAP solution can help transform your current learning strategies by digitising and providing easy access to training resources, supporting your colleagues while using systems. 

A good DAP system can support your learners before and after you take the system live with the appropriate materials as and when required. 

No, you don’t. DAP solutions should work with your current resources, allowing you to repurpose them over time. Training materials should be able to be made available quickly and easily while you have the opportunity to modernise them with modern practices. Assima’s Train and In-App Search capabilities allow you to modernise your training materials with hyper-realistic simulations and make available all your existing resources available via search, in your live systems. 

The function of an LMS and DAP are very different. An LMS manages and delivers training content to learners and tracks their progress. A DAP, on the other hand, is meant to provide in-app learning tools and assistance to help trainees learn on the job. Many organisations use both a DAP and an LMS and others use one or the other. Whether you choose to have a DAP should be dictated solely by the needs of your company and employees. 

Rigorously match the offerings of the DAP in consideration of the needs of your company. Check up on referrals and verify testimonials. Ask for demos, walkthroughs and free trials. Do not invest in a DAP unless you are absolutely sure it is the right fit. 

It is not possible to suggest what might be wrong without thoroughly studying both your company and your plan. It is best left to the experts to analyse and come up with the right strategy. You can connect with Assima for guidance and support. 

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