How Systems Training Solutions Can Improve Employee Performance and Efficiency

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There is a popular motivational saying that goes, “You never stop learning.” As long as you keep training and learning consistently, you are guaranteed to improve and master new skills. However, it is extremely important that you choose the right teaching medium to learn. The wrong teacher or medium can make learning a tedious and complicated process and hold you back, making you question your abilities. The same goes for employees.

Training employees is a nuanced job. Every person is different and your systems training solution must reflect those differences while maintaining clarity and consistency. But once you hit the jackpot and find the right training programs, it is smooth sailing from there. You will see a significant rise in employee performance and work satisfaction. Moreover, your life would be made much easier.

See how Assima’s platform can support your systems training needs

Benefits of Using Systems Training Solutions

Whenever some software is updated at the workplace or new technology is introduced, training the employees in the new or modified system becomes a priority for the company. Without proper training and assessment, employees will inevitably make mistakes and feel unnecessary fear and hesitation when using it. To prevent that, you need a trusty systems training platform to help your workers get accustomed to the new technology. If you do, you will reap multiple benefits, as listed below.

system training solution

Improves Productivity and Efficiency

Employee efficiency and productivity are directly proportional to how well they are trained to take care of their responsibilities. The best way to improve performance and hit targets is to use a tried and tested systems training platform that can teach employees how to optimise their work and manage their time better, thus enhancing work quality and output. In fact, Gallup reports that training employees can increase their productivity by 17% and profitability by 21%.

Boosts Employee Morale and Curiosity

When an employee is well-trained with a suitable training system and highly familiar with the applications they are working with, they naturally feel confident to take on responsibilities and finish them according to expectations. When employees perform well and get appreciated, their morale is naturally boosted, and they are motivated to do even better.

Reducing Employee Attrition

A lack of training can result in low work satisfaction, poor performance, reduced chances of career growth, customer dissatisfaction, increased risk of errors and more, all of which are major causes of attrition. Employee retention can save companies a lot of resources as onboarding is one of the most time, money, and effort-intensive tasks for any organisation. Good systems training software can prevent this from happening easily.

Lowered Deployment Time

Having a systems training solution in place also has the advantage of saving you a lot of time and it works in dual ways. When you have just introduced new software, it reduces the time from the demo phase to the live phase by expediting training and testing times. On the other hand, when a new employee is recruited, it reduces the time it takes them to train so that they can start working with full productivity sooner. Thus, with a training portal, you can achieve record efficiency in training.

Better Employee Collaboration

When every employee is trained inside a system, they remain on the same page on the best ways to get a job done. This improves collaborative efforts, which are bound to increase team productivity and the potential for innovation. It decreases the need to get any single worker up to speed because everyone knows what they need to know. Moreover, increased collaboration will lead to healthy competition which will result in employees being motivated to learn and grow even more.

Easy Progress Tracking

Using a systems training platform with built-in progress tracking or connected to an LMS will allow you to keep track of the progress of your employees in their training. This in turn will help you pinpoint the areas they are doing well and the ones in which they are not. You can use this information to personalise their training or delegate them to tasks they are more suited to, thus, creating a better and more efficient workplace.

Lowered Training Costs

Imagine if there is no common system to help train your employees. You will have to assign individual trainers to each employee, thus taking up way too much manpower, time, and money. By using a common systems training application, you can save a major portion of these valuable resources, all of which will substantially lower your overall budget and allow that portion to be allocated to more important facets of your business.

Dynamic Technology Adoption

When employees are trained using a robust systems training platform, it makes them more comfortable around technology due to better knowledge retention. This gives them a more curious and intuitive mindset, making them less fearful and more eager to adopt newer digital tools. When employee resistance is resolved, it becomes really easy for companies to keep up with the latest digital trends.

Lower Downtime

Employees trained on a systems platform are less likely to make mistakes when using new technology. Moreover, they will be better acquainted with data privacy and security too. This will ultimately result in fewer software breakdowns and data breaches, thus keeping the operational machinery running more consistently and reducing downtime and other liabilities that affect profitability and trustworthiness.

What to Look for in a Systems Training Solution for Your Workforce

Even though a number of systems training solutions exist out there, not all of them are going to be a good fit for your company. You must see what your needs and pain points are and accordingly, choose a platform that offers the solutions to fulfil those requirements. However, in today’s market, there are some common demands every company seeks to fulfil when looking for employee training solutions. 

Traditionally, systems simulation tools create content using screenshots of the system and placing hotspots on top. This causes problems in producing and maintaining content, especially if the materials are required in multiple languages. 

Assima Train takes a unique approach by cloning systems, creating a simulation that works just like the original, which is created faster and maintained more easily than any other screenshot-based solution.  

systems training solutions

Ease of Access to Content

The platform should make the content available in as many formats as possible and it should be accessible at any time and place through any device, as long as it is done in a secure and compliant manner. That way, there will be minimum restraints for your employees to find the optimum circumstances to learn in.

High Customisability

The training software should allow a high level of customisation so that it can be tailored to the specific needs and goals of each employee. Having a single default version means that only a small section of people will be catered to. You do not want that: your priority should be to make learning as easy and suitable as possible for all your employees.

Learning Management

The training solution you choose must have the ability to track progress or run content on an LMS. That way, you can keep track of how your employees are faring and where they need a little push. It will also make it easier to make changes where necessary to your training resources as well as how they are provided to your workforce.

Collaboration Facility

Individual learning is not for everybody. Some people learn better when they work in a group. For such employees, there should be a collaborative feature. Moreover, some work tasks need to be done as a team. Training for such tasks requires coordinated learning facilities that allow interactions that mirror your office operations.

How to Leverage Systems Training Solutions to Boost Performance and Efficiency

Choosing the right learning tool is only the first step in making the learning process productive and fun. You, as a manager or L&D personnel, must also adopt an approach that will ensure that the tool is utilised to its full potential and your trainees get the best out of it.

Systems Training Solutions to Boost Performance and Efficiency

Automate the Training Process as Much as Possible

No one likes micromanagement, not even while learning. Instead of taking care of each and every action in the systems training platform yourself, automate as many of the activities as possible. That way, your employees can learn peacefully at their own pace and not have to wait for you to sort things out every time, saving time and effort.

Learn the Training Application Well Yourself

Most of the time, people don’t even know half the feature set of the software they are using. Consequently, they often end up making their work far more difficult than it has to be and miss out on many advantages. Avoid that by properly learning all the ins and outs of the systems training software and applying them properly. Your trainees will thank you.

Facilitate Just-in-Time Training

Once your colleagues have been trained on how to use your systems, just-in-time training is the key to making the right information available to your colleagues at the right time at the point of need, in the live application. This reduces information overload during knowledgebase searches and provides a real-life context to the information, making it easier to access information when needed.

Assima Train and In-App Search makes the relevant knowledge available at the point of action in the software one is training to use.

Create an Adaptable Training Plan

Technology is changing rapidly. To keep up, companies constantly evolve digitally. Your training programs must keep up with that too. The best way to enforce that is to maintain easily malleable, agile and scalable training modules. It should be easy to make changes and incorporate new content into it for your own ease.


Training is the foundation on which the smooth operation of a company is built. The right training can elevate your results while the wrong one can cause endless trouble. With a systems training solution like Assima, prepare to ace the L&D part of your company. Be it Assima Train or In-App Search, we equip you with the best tools to churn out capable employees every time.

Find out which of our systems training solutions is the best fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s Answer Some of Your Questions.

Your current library of content can still be relevant and useful to helping your colleagues. Assima’s Digital Adoption Platform can help by deploying your existing content in the live application through Assima In-App Search, while you spend time updating and creating new systems training content using Assima Train, as and when needed. 

Some of the most in-demand trends in L&D right now are the use of AR, VR and MR, the use of LMS, gamification, mobile learning access and simulation training.

You can always calculate the ROI for your systems training solution to know how well it is faring. Assima has an ROI calculator to help you with that. However, some parameters cannot be mathematically measured, like employee satisfaction and increase in work efficiency. These can be determined by surveying your employees and assessing them on their work speed, quality, and efficiency. 

We understand that not every company will have the budget necessary to avail of systems training software. However, we can tell you that these solutions come in a wide range of prices. Most frequently, the cost is estimated after you have chosen what features and applications you are going for. You can always contact us for a demo, and we can go from there.